R404A VS R407F

We will develop a comparison between two refrigerant gases: R404A and its substitute, R407F.

  • R407F is an excellent replacement for R404A in applications where the evaporator is above -10°C.
  • If R407F is used at lower temperatures, the compressor’s discharge temperature will be very high, affecting its operation and the viscosity of its lubricant.
  • Let’s start by explaining that both R404A and R407F are internally formed by a mixture of several gases, so both must always be charged in liquid phase.
  • For example, R404A contains approximately 4% R134A, 44% R125, and 52% R-143A.
  • Meanwhile, the refrigerant gas R407F is composed of the following gases: R-134A at 40%, R125 at 30.0%, and R-32 at 30%.
  • The glide of R404A is very low and lower than that of R407F. Remember that glide is the temperature change of the gas as it changes phase in the evaporator and condenser.
  • Both R404A and R407F do not deplete the ozone layer.
  • R407F has a global warming potential of 1825, while R404A has a GWP of 3920. Precisely, this high GWP value condemns the use of R404A due to ecological restrictions.
  • R407F is considered a refrigerant replacement for R404A in applications with high and medium temperatures in the evaporator.
  • Replacing R404A with R407F does not require any modifications in the system, as long as the evaporator temperature does not go below -10°C.
  • R407F is a perfect substitute, as it works similarly to R404A with POE type oil.
  • R407F is compatible with the components and joints of an existing R404A installation.
  • Both R404A and R407F are gases with a safety classification of A1 group L1, meaning they have low toxicity and are non-flammable.
  • R407F has excellent performance and cooling capacity, very similar to R404A.

What is the difference between r22 and r32 gas.

We are going to develop a comparison between TWO refrigerant gases. We’re talking about R22 and R32 refrigerant.

  • Let’s start by saying that both R22 and R32 are internally composed of a single component, with no internal presence of gas mixtures, allowing both to be loaded in both liquid and gaseous phases.
  • The main drawback of R22 is that it damages the ozone layer, which is why it is affected by environmental restrictions. Additionally, R22 has a global warming potential (GWP) of 1760, whereas R32 does not damage the ozone layer and has a GWP of 675.
  • R32 is primarily used in air conditioning, while R22 is used in freezing, refrigeration, and air conditioning.
  • Another significant difference between the two gases is their compatibility with different types of oil. R22 is compatible with mineral oil and alkylbenzene but not with POE oil, whereas R32 is compatible and used with POE oil.<break time=”2
  • R32 is a substitute refrigerant for air conditioning, only suitable for new equipment. This means that R22 should not be replaced by R32 in existing equipment.
  • R22 is non-toxic and non-flammable, with classifications A1 and L1, whereas R32 is a non-toxic gas with a slight flammability, classified as A2L.
  • The amount of R32 required for air conditioning is much lower, around 60%, compared to that of R22.
  • The temperature of R32 at the compressor outlet is much higher than that of R22, making it ideal for applications with low compression ratios, such as air conditioning.
  • Due to the thermodynamic properties of R32, it consumes less electricity compared to R22.

What is the difference between r410A and r32?

R32 Vs R410A: A Showdown of Refrigerant Gases

Welcome to this exciting POST where we will compare two refrigerant gases: R32 and R410A Which one will be the best? Let’s find out together!

  • Let’s start by saying that R410A is a blend of two gases, while R32 is a pure gas composed of a single component.
  • R410A is primarily composed of R32 and R125 in a 50% proportion for each component. On the other hand, R32, being a pure gas, can be charged in both liquid and gas phases. R410A, being composed of two gases, must be recharged only in the liquid phase.
  • Both refrigerant gases, R32 and R410A, work with POE (Polyolester) oil. However, due to the presence of R125 within R410A, the latter exhibits better miscibility with POE oil compared to R32.
  • This means that R410A mixes more easily, which facilitates the return of POE oil to the compressor in the refrigeration system. As a result, in many compressors with R32, POE oil works with lower viscosity compared to when it works with R410A.
  • R32 has a higher temperature at the compressor outlet compared to R410A. Therefore, when working with R32, it is essential to use POE oils with a high viscosity index, meaning that the viscosity remains more stable with temperature changes.
  • Now, let’s talk about performance. R32 has greater cooling and heating capacity compared to R410A. This means that a smaller amount of gas is needed to achieve the same level of cooling and heating.
  • It is also important to consider the environmental impact. The Global Warming Potential (GWP) of R410A is 2085, while the GWP of R32 is 675. This indicates that R32 has a lower environmental footprint in terms of greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Now, let’s discuss safety. Although R32 is flammable, its flammability level is low compared to hydrocarbon refrigerants like propane. Therefore, R32 is classified as a mildly flammable refrigerant while maintaining high safety standards.
  • In summary, R32 stands out as a more efficient refrigerant gas for both cooling and heating compared to R410A. Its lower GWP and controlled flammability make it an attractive option for air conditioning systems.
  • Since the miscibility of R32 with POE oil is lower compared to R410A, it is highly recommended to strictly follow the equipment manufacturer’s installation recommendations to ensure proper oil return to the compressor.

What Happens If You Replace R410A Air Conditioner Gas with R32 Refrigerant?

  • Both R410A and R32 use POE oil, but due to solubility, R32 tends to have lower viscosity.
  • The viscosity index of oil used with R32 is usually higher than that needed for R410A.
  • When making this change, the refrigerant temperature at the compressor outlet will increase, which could affect the compressor’s lifespan.
  • If switching to R32 to achieve a similar cooling capacity increase, the refrigerant charge should be around 95% of what was used with R410A.
  • Adding the same amount of R32 as used with R410A will maintain cooling capacity but with higher electricity consumption.
  • If more R32 than the original R410A amount is added, cooling capacity will decrease.
  • By charging 90% of the original R410A amount with R32, similar electricity consumption will be maintained, but with lower cooling capacity.
  • Beyond 90%, the compressor’s electricity consumption will increase compared to what it used to be with R410A.
  • Switching to R32 will result in an increase in refrigerant mass flow rate, leading to higher discharge pressure. This higher discharge pressure causes an increase in electric current and thus input power.
  • The figure illustrates the relationship between Coefficient of Performance (COP) and the charge of four different quantities of R32. You’ll notice that the COPs of these charges are lower than those of the standard system, indicating that a direct replacement of R410A with R32 might not necessarily increase the COP.
  • Moreover, it’s important to note that by increasing electricity consumption when switching to R32, the compressor temperature might also further increase.
  • It is not recommended for safety reasons to change R410A to R32 without manufacturer authorization, even though it is proven that R32 is slightly flammable.

R404A vs R134a

In this post, we will conduct an interesting comparison between two widely used refrigerant gases: R134a and R404A. So get ready to discover the differences between them!

Can I use r134a in a r404a system?

  • Let’s start with R404A. This refrigerant is internally composed of a gas mixture, while R134a is a pure gas composed of a single component.
  • This difference in composition is important and has implications for their recharge in refrigeration systems.
  • R404A must always be recharged in liquid phase due to its gas mixture, while R134a can be recharged in both liquid and gas phases without any problem.
  • It is also interesting to know the internal composition of R404A. This refrigerant contains approximately 4% of R134a, 44% of R125 gas, and 52% of R32.
  • Both refrigerants work with POE-type oil.
  • Although both refrigerant gases offer acceptable efficiency, R404A is much more efficient than R134a in freezing applications. On the other hand, R134a outperforms R404A in medium and high-temperature applications. It is important to consider these aspects when choosing the appropriate refrigerant for each case.
  • Another point to highlight is that R134a is commonly used in air conditioning applications, while R404A does not have a specific use in this field.
  • And here comes a great advantage of both refrigerants: neither R134a nor R404A are flammable or toxic! Moreover, neither of them damages the ozone layer, which is crucial for protecting our environment.
  • However, not everything is perfect. R404A has a high Global Warming Potential (GWP) value of 3922, which means it has a greater impact on global warming. On the other hand, R134a has a GWP of 1430, making it a more environmentally favorable option.
  • Observe this interesting difference on the screen.
  • We can clearly see how the size of the capillary varies between R134a and R404A. This factor is important to consider when selecting the appropriate system for a specific application.
  • It is also relevant to mention that the operating pressures of R134a are higher compared to R404A. Due to these pressure differences, they cannot be considered direct replacements for each other, even though both are used in refrigeration and freezing applications.

What is the difference between R22 and R407C?

On today’s video, we will compare the refrigerant gases R22 and its substitute in air conditioning equipment, R407C.

is R407c compatible with r22?

Let’s start with R22, which is a pure refrigerant composed of a single gas. On the other hand, R407C is an internal mixture of several gases.

The difference in composition is significant and has implications for recharging refrigeration systems that use these gases.

R22 can be recharged in both liquid and gaseous phases without any issues due to its pure refrigerant nature. However, R407C, being a gas mixture, must always be recharged in the liquid phase. This is an important consideration during refrigeration system maintenance.

In addition to the composition difference, it is interesting to note the internal proportion of each component in R407C.

R407C contains approximately 23% R32, 25% R125, and 52% R134a. These components contribute to the properties and characteristics of the refrigerant gas.

Another significant distinction between the two gases is their compatibility with different types of oil. R22 is compatible with mineral oil and alkylbenzene, but not with POE oil.

Conversely, R407C is only compatible with POE oil. This means that when replacing R22 with R407C in air conditioning equipment, it is necessary to change the oil due to differences in gas properties and lubrication requirements.

In terms of performance and cooling capacity, R22 generally outperforms R407C, although the differences are minor.

When it comes to performance in heating mode, both refrigerants exhibit similar characteristics, although the performance of R407C may be slightly lower.

Observing their relationship, it becomes clear that changing the capillary tube is unnecessary when replacing R22 with R407C.

R22 has the drawback of ozone depletion, which is the primary reason why it needs to be replaced with R407C.

The pressures of R22 and R407C are very similar. Let’s take a closer look at them.

Feel free to leave a comment or ask any questions you may have about refrigeration.

Chiller R-123

The Chiller with R-123 is mainly a low-pressure centrifugal chiller with a water-cooled condenser, used for industrial air conditioning and climate control of large buildings.

What should you know about R-123 in chillers?

  • Along with another hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC) refrigerants, R-123 is being phased out through control measures specified in the Montreal Protocol.
  • For example, in the United States, R-123 should have been discontinued in new equipment as of January 1, 2020.
  • The recycled R-123 is expected to be available for service in the foreseeable future (EPA 2014).
  • R123 was introduced in the early 1990s as an alternative to R11 in centrifugal chiller applications.
  • Although r-123 is enormously effective and popular in large refrigerators around the world, it was largely rejected in Europe due to its B1 toxicity, after prolonged inhalation was found to cause an increased incidence of benign tumors in the rat liver, pancreas, and testes.
  • In keeping with the R-123 phase-out dates, alternative low-pressure refrigerant candidates have been used, proposed, evaluated, and in some cases, qualified for use in new and existing equipment designs. Two of these are alternates, R-514A and R-1233zd (E).
  • A possible direct replacement for R123 in existing chillers is the Chemours blend, originally known as DR-10 and now Opteon XP30. called R-514A.
  • The R-514A refrigerant mixes HFO 1336mzz (Z) (74.7%) with trans-1,2-dichloroethene (25.3%), a gas not previously used in refrigerants.

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Chiller R-22

Many facilities have R-22 Chillers that have years of reliable, efficient service ahead of them.

But when operating with this refrigerant, they are equipment that is subject to international disposal due to depleting the ozone layer. Many are now looking to upgrade their equipment with an alternative refrigerant that is readily available, cost-effective, and environmentally preferred throughout the life of the chiller.

What are the options for Chillers with R-22 that are still in use?

  • Certainly, it is always desirable to replace an old R-22 cooler with a newer, more efficient cooler, but it is not always practical from a budget point of view.
  • For small tonnage chillers loaded with R-22, the most likely alternative for a retrofit is the HFC refrigerant, R-407C.
  • Although there is a moderate penalty of 5 to 10 percent for capacity and efficiency, R-407C has been available for many years for low-capacity chillers.
  • It is worth noting that R-407C is a mixed refrigerant, but for small tonnage chillers with DX-style evaporators, this will not affect performance, and no significant equipment modifications would be necessary.
  • While alternative refrigerants can generally be used to upgrade older generation refrigerants with similar pressures, the upgrade comes at the expense of reduced capacity and efficiency.
  • If for example you have a 100 TRF chiller and the particular application requires all those 100 TRF to maintain the design temperature, then a reduction in capacity would not be acceptable. The thermodynamic properties will determine what the refrigerant mass flow rate will be in a given application.
  • The capacity of the thermostatic expansion valve is based on the physical dimensions of the valve pin and port, the system conditions, and the thermodynamic properties of the refrigerant. If the mass flow requirement of the replacement refrigerant is significantly higher than the mass flow requirement for R-22, then the existing R-22 TEV would have insufficient capacity for the replacement refrigerant.
  • With R-407A and R-407C with mass flow rates similar to R-22, the original selection of R-22 TEV is well suited for application with both refrigerants.
  • Other refrigerants have a higher mass flow requirement than R-22, resulting in the original R-22 TEV being smaller for each.
  • The most notable capacity deficiency is with R-434A. Additionally, the manufacturer of R-434A states that its refrigerant requires a TEV element that is compatible with R-502 (R-404A).
  • R-404A shows good capacity compared to R-22. However, with a 42% higher mass flow requirement, a TEV replacement will be required. Plus, it has a nine percent reduction in efficiency.
  • R-417A is shown to have a good mass flow requirement compared to R-22, which means that a TEV replacement will not be required. But a 14% loss of capacity probably wouldn’t be the best option.
  • R-407C shows a slight increase in capacity compared to R-22, a very close mass flow requirement compared to R-22, and a lower drop efficiency of three percent. What’s more.
  • The R-407C has been off-patent for several years. It is widely distributed and reasonably priced. As such, the industry has viewed R-407C as the most common replacement for R-22 in comfort cooling applications.
  • Systems that do not work properly with R-22 will not work properly after refrigerant conversion. Elastomer seals tend to leak after conversion because R-22 has the most aggressive swelling influence on elastomer seals, so after conversion, the seal will effectively shrink.
  • To avoid any potential leakage after conversion, it is recommended to replace all elastomer seals.
  • All TEV in the system should be checked for the proper superheat setting and adjusted as necessary.
  • It must be remembered that the temperature at the outlet of the valve will be lower than the evaporation temperature of the last particles of liquid that are boiling, this is due to sliding For existing R-22 screw and centrifugal chillers, R-134a is often the best upgrade option.
  • While this will lead to a reduction in capacity, which can go up to 35 percent, modifications often result in a more efficient package.

Where to learn all about chillers?

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Daikin Chiller

Daikin Chiller with Air Cooled Condenser:

Chiller Daikin Pathfinder:

It is a series with variable speed screw compressor and air cooled condenser with ECM fans, available from 100 to 565 tons. With variable volume ratio compressor technology, it senses the precise amount of lift needed and adjusts the compression ratio on the fly to deliver optimal efficiency, regardless of ambient temperature.

Chiller Daikin Trailblazer:

It is a series of chillers with an air-cooled scroll compressor, with a capacity range between 10 and 240 tons refrigeration, it has a heat recovery system, optional factory installed that allows you to use up to 45% of the heat that normally the condenser is rejected for preheating and dehumidification.

Daikin chiller with water-cooled condenser.

Chiller Daikin Magnitude:

It is a centrifugal compressor chiller with direct drive technology, integral variable frequency drives and R134a refrigerant that does not damage ozone. With available capacities from 75 to 1500 tonnes of refrigeration, the Daikin Magnitude centrifugal cooler offers the most complete size range of oil-free magnetic bearing coolers.

Chiller Daikin Navigator:

It is a series of water-cooled screw compressor chillers, handling capacities from 120 to 300 tons refrigeration. They are designed as a fully VFD-driven platform, integrating Variable Volume Ratio (VVR) compressor technology to give you the advantage of a quiet system, adapting to real-time demands for the most efficient and efficient operation. economical possible.

Daikin single compressor chiller:

It is a series of chillers with a centrifugal compressor, with a capacity of 300 to 1800 tons of refrigeration, that work with R-134a refrigerant.

Where to learn all about chillers?

We have prepared a complete training in chilled water installations with chillers.

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Trane Chiller

Chiller Trane with air cooled condenser.

Chiller Trane RTAE:

This Series offers capacities from 150 to 300 tons refrigeration, works with screw compressor, with permanent magnet variable speed motors, and a combination of excellent efficiency at part load and full load.

Chiller Trane CGAM:

It is a series of chillers, which works with scroll compressors, in a capacity range from 20 to 130 tons of refrigeration. It works with a reduced charge of HFC-410A refrigerant.

Chiller Trane RTAC:

It is a series of chillers with screw compressor, to operate in a range of capacities between 140 and 500 tons refrigeration, that work with R-134a.

Trane chiller with water cooled condenser:

Trane CenTraVac EarthWise Chiller:

It is a series of chillers with a centrifugal compressor, to operate with capacities between 120 and 2000 tons refrigeration.

Chiller Trane CenTraVAC Series S:

This series is designed to operate in a range of 180 to 390 tons refrigeration. It works with an oil-free centrifugal compressor.

Chiller Trane CenTraVAC Series L:

This series is designed to operate in a range of capacities between 400 and 1800 tons refrigeration. Optimized for industrial process cooling, and data center equipment. To supply chilled water from 60 ° F to 70 ° F more efficiently.

Chiller Trane CenTraVac Duplex:

Designed to work in a capacity range between 1500 and 4000 tons refrigeration. Designed for high capacity applications, it consists of two separate centrifugal compressors with independent refrigerant circuits.

Where to learn all about chillers?

We have prepared a complete training in chilled water installations with chillers.

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York Chiller

York Chiller with Air Cooled Condenser:

Chiller York YCAL: It is a series of chillers with scroll compressor, which works with R-410A refrigerant, for a capacity range between 15 and 35 Tons of refrigeration.

Chiller York YLAA: It is a series of chillers with a scroll compressor with a variable frequency drive, which works with R-410A refrigerant, for a capacity range between 40 and 230 Tons of refrigeration.

Chiller York YVAA: It is a series of chillers with a screw compressor with variable frequency drive, which works with R-410A, for a capacity range between 150 and 575 Tons of refrigeration.

Chiller York YVFA: It is a series of chillers with screw compressor with variable frequency drive, which works with R-410A refrigerant, for a capacity range between 150 and 500 Tons of refrigeration.

York YCIV Chiller: It is a series of chillers with screw compressor with a soft start frequency variator, which works with R-410A refrigerant, for a capacity range between 150 and 400 Tons of refrigeration.

York Chiller with Water Cooled Condenser:

  • Chiller York YZ: It is a chiller with a centrifugal compressor, with magnetic bearings, that works R-1233zd, for capacity ranges between 165 and 1350 tons refrigeration. Capacity control is achieved by a variable speed control, and mechanical regulation that can adjust its capacity from 100% to 10% of the design.
  • York YK Chiller: It is a chiller with a centrifugal compressor, which works with R-134a, for a capacity range between 250 and 3000 tons of refrigeration.
  • Yotk YMC2 Chiller: It is a centrifugal chiller, with magnetic bearings, for a range of capacities between 165 and 1000 tons refrigeration. It can offer a consumption of 0.175 kW for each ton of refrigeration at full capacity, and less than 0.1 kW for each ton at part load.
  • Chiller York YWVA: It is a chiller that works with a screw compressor, with variable speed, with the option of having a compressor or two, to work in a range of capacities between 125 and 300 tons of refrigeration.
  • York YCWL Chiller: This series of chillers works with a scroll compressor, which uses R-410A refrigerant. Models 0240, 0290, 0345, 0395, 0396 offer a capacity of 229, 274, 324, 373 and 372 KW respectively.
  • Chiller York YD: It is a chiller that has two compressors of the centrifugal type, of a single stage, that works with R-134a, to work in a range of 1500 to 6000 refrigeration tons.
  • Chiller York YK-EP: It is a centrifugal chiller, for a range between 2,500 and 3,500 tons of refrigeration, that works with an economizer cycle.

Where to learn all about chillers?

We have prepared a complete training in chilled water installations with chillers.

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